Livia van Wilcora
Livia is the benjamin of our household. From day one it was clear she’s a little rascal. She was either stealing toys from ViVi in order to hide them, or she’s challenging Murphy for a race.
She eats everything and with that we mean EVERYTHING, the first weeks we had to empty her mouth several times a day, discovering the weirdest items. Fortunately she’s very obedient, all we have to do now is tell her to let go and she’ll spit it out immediately. Still, she makes us smile every single day with her pranks.
Livia goes to show every now and then. In the beginning she thought it was a racing contest instead of a beauty contest. The last couple of times she managed to stand still for a longer time. And she definitely attracts a lot of positive attention with her mischievous looks.
We hope Livia will be the mother of our first litter at the end of 2008.